Monday, December 17, 2012

Attended the 52/250 reading last night at the KGB bar

There was a great turnout there, and love the ambiance of the room adorned with Russian paintings, pictures, etc. I met the lovely Cynthia Litz, a great writer and member of Zoetrope, and saw some regulars there, such as the flash gurus Robert Vaughn and Susan Tepper. I read two of my Cat People pieces. Hosted by Michelle Elvy. I spent the rest of the night like a black cat stalking the streets of Manhattan that I've come to love, and dancing until 4:00 a.m. (Yes, Martha, even at this age), then, drifting towards home in the wee hours of the morning . Reminded me of earlier times. Should be some interesting videos of the night's readings. A great collection of artists from all over the world, some really amazing writers.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My new collection of prose & poetry has been published

My new collection of prose & poetry titled Void & Sky has been published by Outskirts Press in both paperback and as an ebook. Please buy it because you should.

Monday, December 3, 2012

In Those Days We....

IN THOSE DAYS WE is a collection edited by Jennifer L. Tomaloff that looks at our past, and forges new lives from old photographs. Featuring written works by some of the best writers this side of the web: Len Kuntz, Robert Kloss, Norman Lock, Molly Gaudry, J. A. Tyler, Kathryn Rantala, Ben Tanzer, Ryan W. Bradley, Andrew Borgstrom, Meg Tuite,  Parker Tettleton, Marcus Speh, Chad Redden, Robert Vaughan, J. Bradley, and David Tomaloff

And moi.

Incredibly delicious photos of a bygone era that never truly went away.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Meg Tuite Interviews Me at Connotation Press

Meg Tuite interviws me at Connotation Press, Dec. issue. A great zine and check out these other writers/artists.